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Spotlight: Vicki Batman’s “Temporarily Out of Luck”

Dear Readers,

Vicki Batman is a sassy writer of funny fiction and she’s visiting my blog to talk about her book (intriguingly titled “Temporarily Out of Luck”)…

Hi Vicki, so happy to have you drop in. Tell us about TOoL…

Do You Live in a Hometown Like This?

Sommerville, a popular suburb located between two metroplexes, where one can enjoy big-town amenities and small-town living.

Sounds idyllic, right?

Except not really. Especially in Hattie Cooks’ world.

Hattie lost her dream job as an assistant buyer at Tucker’s Department Store. Living in Sommerville and wanting to keep her career on track is difficult because of few employment opportunities like the one she desires. In the larger cities, nothing similar is available due to an economic downturn. Everyone everywhere is tightening their belts.

Our heroine is desperate. She might have to bunk with her parents—definitely, not a good option, not with a mother who tilts toward overbearing. When a friend suggests Hattie explore the world of temporary jobs to pad her bank account, her prayers might be answered.

But are they?

Temporary jobs are not like any other ones Hattie has worked. Some of her co-workers are… Let’s just say their agenda involves murder.

In strolls Allan Wellborn, a long-time family friend and a new Sommerville detective. The one guy who makes Hattie’s heart go pitter-patter. Her mother thinks he’s perfect. Hattie notes one exception–his undying loyalty to work—which drives her crazy and always interrupts almost wild, almost sex.

Why write this romantic comedy mystery series?

It took me years to perfect my first book for submission. I read a ton of mysteries. I love Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Agatha Christie, Mary Stewart, Sue Grafton. I like funny stuff in stories that make me laugh. I like a handsome hero who stumbles and bumbles. I dabbled on the second and third books while writing the first. In between, I learned how to write short stories–a good thing in perfecting craft. Eventually, all came together, and now, I can show off Temporarily out of Luck.

The Blurb

Great job. What man? And murder. Newly employed at Wedding Wonderland, Hattie Cooks is learning the industry from a woman she greatly admires. When her former brother-in-law is found dead in his luxury SUV, all fingers point to Hattie’s sister, who is planning her own I Dos.

Detective Allan Wellborn is caught between a rock and a hard place—Hattie’s family and investigating the murder of a well-connected Sommerville resident, the same loser who was once married to Hattie’s sister. Determining who’s the bad guy—or gal—isn’t going to be easy and sure to piss off someone.

Can Hattie beat the clock to find out who murdered Tracey’s ex before she is charged with the crime and her wedding is ruined?

An Excerpt

In my Book of Debts, I didn’t owe him one iota. However, I could hear my mother in my ear, trotting out a page from the “Right Thing to Do” lecture. What Stuart’s mom did broke all wedding protocol, and Allan doing his saintly thing, told her he would help, which translated meant he desperately needed somebody else’s help.

“Fine. I’m in, but you owe me more, like a date to the”—I grasped on the first thing that popped in my head—“opera.”

“Opera? Since when do you like opera?”

I held back a giggle. “Since yesterday.”

Allan blew a huge sigh. “Done.” He paused. “Opera?”

Buy the E-book or the Print version, if you prefer that

About the Author

Funny, sweet, and quirky, Vicki Batman’s stories are full of her hallmark humor, romance, and will delight all readers. She has sold many award-winning, and bestselling romantic comedy works to magazines and most recently, three humorous romantic mysteries. An avid Jazzerciser. Handbag lover. Mahjong player. Yoga practitioner. Movie fan. Book devourer. Cat fancier. Best Mom ever. And adores Handsome Hubby.

Find Vicki Batman at:

Her Website

Her Blog




Amazon Author Page





Reminder: here’s where to buy the E-book or the Print version

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